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Generating speech

Marvin can generate speech from text.

What it does

The speak function generates audio from text. The @speech decorator generates speech from the output of a function.


The easiest way to generate speech is to provide a string:

import marvin

audio = marvin.speak("I sure like being inside this fancy computer!")


For more complex use cases, you can use the @image decorator to generate images from the output of a function:

def say_hello(name: str):
    return f'Hello, {name}! How are you doing today?'

audio = say_hello("Arthur")


How it works

Marvin passes your prompt to the OpenAI speech API, which returns an audio file.

Text is generated verbatim

Unlike the images API, OpenAI's speech API does not modify or revise your input prompt in any way. Whatever text you provide is exactly what will be spoken.

Therefore, you can use the speak function to generate speech from any string, or use the @speech decorator to generate speech from the string output of any function.

Generating speech

By default, OpenAI generates speech from the text you provide, verbatim. We can use Marvin functions to generate more interesting speech by modifying the prompt before passing it to the speech API. For example, we can use a function to generate a line of dialogue that reflects a specific intent. And because of Marvin's modular design, we can simply add a @speech decorator to the function to generate speech from its output.

import marvin

def ai_say(intent: str) -> str:
    Given an `intent`, generate a line of diagogue that 
    reflects the intent / tone / instruction without repeating 
    it verbatim.

# Hi there! Nice to meet you.


Playing audio

The result of speak and @speech is an Audio object that can be played by calling its play method. By default, playback will start as soon as the first bytes of audio are available. See the note on streaming audio for more information.

audio = marvin.speak("Hello, world!")

Streaming audio

By default, Marvin streams audio from the OpenAI API, which means that playback can start as soon as the first bytes of audio are available. This can be useful for long audio files, as it allows you to start listening to the audio before it has finished generating. If you want to wait for the entire audio file to be generated before starting playback, you can pass stream=False:

audio = marvin.speak("Hello, world!", stream=False)
Note that streaming is only supported with the pcm (or raw) audio file format, and an error will be raised if you try to generate speech in a different format with stream=True. However, you can always save pcm audio to a file in a different format after it has been generated.

Saving audio

To save an Audio object to a file, you can call its save method:

audio = marvin.speak("Hello, world!")"hello_world.mp3")

Marvin will attempt to infer the correct file format from the file extension you provide. If you want to save the audio in a different format, you can pass a format argument to save.

Saving audio

Choosing a voice

Both speak and @speech accept a voice parameter that allows you to choose from a variety of voices. You can preview the available voices here.

The result of the `speak` function and `@speech` decorator is an audio stream.

audio = marvin.speak("Hello, world!", voice="nova")"hello_world.mp3") 

Model parameters

You can pass parameters to the underlying API via the model_kwargs arguments of speak and @speech. These parameters are passed directly to the respective APIs, so you can use any supported parameter.

Async support

If you are using Marvin in an async environment, you can use speak_async (or decorate an async function with @speech) to generate speech asynchronously:

result = await marvin.speak_async('I sure like being inside this fancy computer!')