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Build a Slack bot with Marvin

Slack setup

Get a Slack app token from Slack API and add it to your ~/.marvin/.env file:


Choosing scopes

You can choose the scopes you need for your bot in the OAuth & Permissions section of your Slack app.

Building the bot

Define a FastAPI app to handle Slack events"/chat")
async def chat_endpoint(request: Request):
    payload = SlackPayload(**await request.json())
    match payload.type:
        case "event_callback":
        case "url_verification":
            return {"challenge": payload.challenge}
        case _:
            raise HTTPException(400, "Invalid event type")

    return {"status": "ok"}

if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=4200)
Here, we define a simple FastAPI endpoint / app to handle Slack events and return a response. We run our interesting logic in the background using asyncio.create_task to make sure we return {"status": "ok"} within 3 seconds, as required by Slack.

Handle generating the AI response

I like to start with this basic structure, knowing that one way or another...

async def handle_message(payload: dict) -> str:
    # somehow generate the ai responses

    # post the response to slack
        channel=event.get("channel", ""),

... I need to take in a Slack app mention payload, generate a response, and post it back to Slack.

A couple considerations

  • do I want the bot to respond to users in a thread or in the channel?
  • do I want the bot to have memory of previous messages? how so?
  • what tools do I need to generate accurate responses for my users?

In our case of the Prefect Community slackbot, we want:

  • the bot to respond in a thread
  • the bot to have memory of previous messages by slack thread
  • the bot to have access to the internet, GitHub, embedded docs, etc

Example implementation of handler: Prefect Community Slackbot

This runs 24/7 in the #ask-marvin channel of the Prefect Community Slack. It responds to users in a thread, and has memory of previous messages by slack thread. It uses the chroma and github tools for RAG to answer questions about Prefect 2.x.

async def handle_message(payload: SlackPayload): # SlackPayload is a pydantic model 
    logger = get_logger("slackbot")
    user_message = (event := payload.event).text
    cleaned_message = re.sub(BOT_MENTION, "", user_message).strip()
    logger.debug_kv("Handling slack message", user_message, "green")
    if (user :=, user_message)) and
    ) == payload.authorizations[0].user_id:
        thread = event.thread_ts or event.ts
        assistant_thread = CACHE.get(thread, Thread())
        CACHE[thread] = assistant_thread

        await handle_keywords.submit(
            channel_name=await get_channel_name(,
            link=(  # to user's message
                f"{(await get_workspace_info()).get('url')}archives/"
                f"{}/p{event.ts.replace('.', '')}"

        with Assistant(
            name="Marvin (from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)",
            tools=[task(multi_query_chroma), task(search_github_issues)],
                "use chroma to search docs and github to search"
                " issues and answer questions about prefect 2.x."
                " you must use your tools in all cases except where"
                " the user simply wants to converse with you."
        ) as assistant:
            user_thread_message = await assistant_thread.add_async(cleaned_message)
            await assistant_thread.run_async(assistant)
            ai_messages = assistant_thread.get_messages(
            await task(post_slack_message)(
                ai_response_text := "\n\n".join(
                    m.content[0].text.value for m in ai_messages
                channel :=,
                success_msg := f"Responded in {channel}/{thread}",

This is just an example

There are many ways to implement a Slackbot with Marvin's Assistant SDK / utils, FastAPI is just our favorite.

Run this file with something like:


... and navigate to http://localhost:4200/docs to see your bot's docs.

This is now an endpoint that can be used as a Slack event handler. You can use a tool like ngrok to expose your local server to the internet and use it as a Slack event handler.

Building an image

Based on this example, one could write a Dockerfile to build a deployable image:

FROM python:3.11-slim


COPY . /app

RUN python -m venv venv

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y git build-essential && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN pip install ".[slackbot]"


CMD ["python", "cookbook/slackbot/"]
Note that we're installing the slackbot extras here, which are required for tools used by the worker bot defined in this example's cookbook/slackbot/ file.

Find the whole example here