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Recording audio

Marvin has utilities for working with audio data beyond generating speech and transcription. To use these utilities, you must install Marvin with the audio extra:

pip install marvin[audio]

Audio objects

The Audio object gives users a simple way to work with audio data that is compatible with all of Marvin's audio abilities. You can create an Audio object from a file path or by providing audio bytes directly.

From a file path

from import Audio
audio = Audio.from_path("fancy_computer.mp3")

From data

audio = Audio(data=audio_bytes)

Playing audio

You can play audio from an Audio object using the play method:

Recording audio

Marvin can record audio from your computer's microphone. There are a variety of options for recording audio in order to match your specific use case.

Recording for a set duration

The basic record function records audio for a specified duration. The duration is provided in seconds.


# record 5 seconds of audio
audio =

Recording a phrase

The record_phrase function records audio until a pause is detected. This is useful for recording a phrase or sentence.


audio =

There are a few keyword arguments that can be used to customize the behavior of record_phrase: - after_phrase_silence: The duration of silence to consider the end of a phrase. The default is 0.8 seconds. - timeout: The maximum time to wait for speech to start before giving up. The default is no timeout. - max_phrase_duration: The maximum duration for recording a phrase. The default is no limit. - adjust_for_ambient_noise: Whether to adjust the recognizer sensitivity to ambient noise before starting recording. The default is True, but note that this introduces a minor latency between the time the function is called and the time recording starts. A log message will be printed to indicate when the calibration is complete.

Recording continuously

The record_background function records audio continuously in the background. This is useful for recording audio while doing other tasks or processing audio in real time.

The result of record_background is a BackgroundAudioRecorder object, which can be used to control the recording (including stopping it) and to access the recorded audio as a stream.

By default, the audio is recorded as a series of phrases, meaning a new Audio object is created each time a phase is detected. Audio objects are queued and can be accessed by iterating over the recorder's stream method.

import marvin

recorder =

counter = 0
for audio in
    counter += 1
    # process each audio phrase

    # stop recording
    if counter == 3: