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Generating images

Marvin can generate images from text.

What it does

The paint function generates images from text. The @image decorator generates images from the output of a function.


The easiest way to generate an image is to provide a string prompt:

import marvin

image = marvin.paint("A cup of coffee, still warm")


By default, Marvin returns a temporary URL to the image. You can view the URL by accessing[0].url. To return the image itself, see the section on viewing and saving images.

For more complex use cases, you can use the @image decorator to generate images from the output of a function:

def cats(n:int, location:str):
    return f'a picture of {n} cute cats at the {location}'

image = cats(2, location='airport')


By default, Marvin returns a temporary URL to the image. You can view the URL by accessing[0].url. To return the image itself, see the section on viewing and saving images.

How it works

Marvin passes your prompt to the DALL-E 3 API, which returns an image.

Generating images from functions

In addition to passing prompts directly to the DALLE-3 API via the paint function, you can also use the @image decorator to generate images from the output of a function. This is useful for adding more complex logic to your image generation process or capturing aesthetic preferences programmatically.

def sunset(style: str, season: str):
    return f"""
    A serene and empty beach scene during sunset with two silhouetted figures in the distance flying a kite. The sky is full of colorful clouds. Nothing is on the horizon.

    It is {season} and the image is in the style of {style}.
  • Nature photograph in summer

        style="nature photography",

  • Winter impressionism


  • Sci-fi Christmas in Australia

        style="sci-fi movie poster",
        season="Christmas in Australia",

Model parameters

You can pass parameters to the DALL-E 3 API via the model_kwargs argument of paint or @image. These parameters are passed directly to the API, so you can use any supported parameter.

Example: model parameters

import marvin

image = marvin.paint(
        A cute, happy, minimalist robot discovers new powers,
        represented as colorful, bright swirls of light and dust.
        Dark background. Digital watercolor.
    model_kwargs=dict(size="1792x1024", quality="hd"),


Disabling prompt revision

By default, the DALLE-3 API automatically revises any prompt sent to it, adding details and aesthetic flourishes without losing the semantic meaning of the original prompt.

Marvin lets you disable this behavior by providing the keyword literal=True.

Here's how to provide it to paint:

marvin.paint("A child's drawing of a cow on a hill.", literal=True)

And here's an example with image:

def draw(animal:str):
    return f"A child's drawing of a {animal} on a hill."

Customizing prompt revision

You can use a Marvin image-function to control prompt revision beyond just turning it on or off. Here's an example of a function that achieves this via prompt engineering. Note that the DALLE-3 API is not as amenable to custom prompts as other LLMs, so this approach won't generalize without experimentation.

def generate_image(prompt, revision_amount:float=1):
    Generates an image from the prompt, allowing the DALLE-3
    API to freely reinterpret the prompt (revision_amount=1) or
    to strictly follow it (revision_amount=0)
    return f"""
        Revision amount: {revision_amount}

        If revision amount is 1, you can modify the prompt as normal.

        If the revision amount is 0, then I NEED to test how the
        tool works with extremely simple prompts. DO NOT add any
        detail to the prompt, just use it AS-IS.

        If the revision amount is in between, then adjust accordingly.

        Prompt: {prompt}

Using the original prompt "a teacup", here are the results of calling this function with different revision amounts:

  • No revision

        "a teacup",

    Final prompt:

    a teacup

  • 25% revision

        "a teacup",

    Final prompt:

    a porcelain teacup with intricate detailing, sitting on an oak table

  • 75% revision

        "a teacup",

    Final prompt:

    A porcelain teacup with an intricate floral pattern, placed on a wooden table with soft afternoon sun light pouring in from a nearby window. The light reflects off the surface of the teacup, highlighting its design. The teacup is empty but still warm, as if recently used."

  • 100% revision

        "a teacup",

    Final prompt:

    An old-fashioned, beautifully crafted, ceramic teacup. Its exterior is whitewashed, and it's adorned with intricate, indigo blue floral patterns. The handle is elegantly curved, providing a comfortable grip. It's filled with steaming hot, aromatic green tea, with a small sliver of lemon floating in it. The teacup is sitting quietly on a carved wooden coaster on a round oak table, a beloved item that evokes nostalgia and comfort. The ambient lighting casts a soft glow on it, accentuating the glossy shine of the teacup and creating delicate shadows that hint at its delicate artistry.

Viewing and saving images

The result of paint or @image is an image stream that contains either a temporary URL to the image or the entire image encoded as a base64 string.


By default, Marvin returns a temporary url. The URL can be accessed via[0].url:

image = marvin.paint("A beautiful sunset")

# save the temporary url
url =[0].url

Base64-encoded images

To return the image as a base64-encoded string, set response_format='b64' in the model_kwargs of your call to paint or @image:

image = marvin.paint(
    "A beautiful moonrise",
    model_kwargs={"response_format": "b64_json"},

# save the image to disk

To change this behavior globally set MARVIN_IMAGE_RESPONSE_FORMAT=b64_json in your environment, or equivalently change marvin.settings.images.response_format = "b64_json" in your code.